Ambient Air Accessories
Tekran® 1100 Zero Air Generator
The Tekran® Model 1100 Zero Air Generator provides Hg free air for up to two Model 2537 Mercury Vapor Analyzers. Using an included communication cable, the Model 1100 will only produce zero air when needed by the Model 2537 analyzer, greatly increasing the lifespan of the zero air filters. The Model 1100 eliminates the need of compressed gas cylinders of Ultra High Purity (UHP) zero air. This is especially helpful for operations at remote field sites or applications requiring portability. The 1100 is also useful for production of Hg free air used during conditioning of quartz-ware for the Model 1130 and Model 1135 speciation systems. The generator is housed in a compact case weighing less than 10 pounds (4.5 kg).
Tekran® 1102 Air Dryer
The Tekran® Model 1102 provides dry air to the Model 1130 Pump Module zero air generating system. The dryer unit contains two columns that alternate between absorbing water when cool and desorbing water during a heated regeneration step. Ambient air is pulled through the cool column by the 1130 Pump Module to remove moisture (typical dew point -40 OC). At the same time the opposing column is heated to expunge captured moisture. The resulting dry air prevents condensation and protects sensitive instrument components.
Tekran® 1110 Synchronized Two Port Sampling System
The Tekran® Model 1110 Synchronized Two Port Sampling System gives the Model 2537 Mercury Vapor Analyzer the ability to sample two unique sources. Switching between the two sources is synchronized with the instrument sampling cycle and is fully programmable by the user. This is particularly useful for flux chamber studies to measure inlet and outlet concentrations, or gradient flux measurements at different heights. If desired, multiple 3-way valves are connected in tandem, allowing a wide range of flow sampling configurations.
Tekran® 1115 Synchronized Multi-Port Sampling System
The Tekran® Model 1115 Synchronized Multi-Port Sampling System works in a similar fashion to the Model 1110, but the Model 1115 allows sampling of up to eight separate input sources. Switching between the sources is synchronized with the instrument sampling cycle. The number of sampling cycles in each position is programmable by the user. The Model 1115 can be configured in 4, 6 or 8 ports with either high-flow or low-flow options. Common applications are measuring multiple sampling locations for indoor air and performing breakthrough studies for an array of sorbents. The Tekran 1115i Synchronized Multi-Port Sampling System is an updated version of the 1115 designed for use with the 2537X analyzer. The 1115i provides complete customization of valve activation programming. Valves may be triggered on preset activation time, preset delay interval, A/B cycle status of the 2537X, measured Hg concentration, external ADC device triggers, or activation based on monitored trigger inputs channels. This greatly expands the potential applications of the device.
Tekran® 1120 Standard Addition Controller
The Tekran® Model 1120 Standard Addition Controller allows both standard additions and blanks to be performed at user programmed intervals while using the Model 2537 Mercury Vapor Monitor. Standard additions are accomplished by timed activation of the Model 2537 internal calibration source and zero air selector valves. Standard additions can be timed to occur late in a sample loading cycle, providing confidence the gold cartridges are adsorbing mercury quantitatively. Monitoring networks routinely use the Model 1120 as a routine and necessary component of their QA programs.