Outdoor Contaminated Ambient Air
The MerPAS® sampler fitted with the yellow body diffusive barrier is best used for sampling outdoor ambient air with highly elevated mercury concentrations (> 50 ng/m3). This sampler has a thicker diffusive barrier, thereby reducing the effective sampling rate to lessen Hg capture by the device. The sampling time is typically hours up to 7 days, depending on the expected Hg levels and project goals. For general guidelines on the appropriate MerPAS® sampling configuration, see the Estimated Sampling Intervals table in the attached document. For more information or for assistance with analysis of MerPAS® samples, contact us at our MerPAS@tekran.com email address.
- Contaminated site remediation monitoring
- Artisinal gold mining exposure studies
- Municiple waste transfer station monitoring
- Industrial monitoring applications
- Point source assessments
For more information, please download the MerPAS® Configuration Fact Sheet.